I have finished off my second game and it's even better than the first! Not to downplay my first game which i still recommend but games naturally get better.
New features have been added and old ones have been refined. For any adults who wanna try the demos, they can be downloaded at
My pretty hentai girl Demo:
My pretty hentai girl 2 Demo:
If you like them and wanna buy the full versions, they can be bought here:
http://shop.ebay.com/brigandire/m.html ?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p 3686
I would like to hire on a flash programmer. I know there are many talented people in the community. If you think you can help, drop me a line and maybe we can make some money!
hi there! your games might be promising but to be fair i think this type of gameplay is a bit old. ok maybe people still buy it, i dont know, but the low polygon graphics look very old for todays market. the graphics need more work in my opinion and at least I would try to give a good storyline since these games seem very hollow to me, although i like hentai in general.
i prefer 2d anime, although good 3d can be a winner if done properly. 3d is only good for animation and your game soeant have much animaton (changing scenes for example). i wish you luck.